Get Your Life in Flow Now!
Our custom Quantum Consulting programs send you
high vibes on a daily basis, to support your conscious awakening
and reaching your dreams faster than ever before.
A Consciousness Upgrade Program for Everyone
No matter your current level of energy, connection to the quantum field or manifestation ability, we have a suitable Quantum Consulting program for you.

Wealth & Success
Find out the most influential success factors for your life & business, and tune into your life and business goals' vibration.

Growth & Transformation
We accompany you while you discover your soul purpose and balance your main chakras for best connection to the source.

Energy Medicine
We offer various trauma harmonisation programs, and an immune system boost to strengthen the body in tough times with wellness frequencies.

Let's get to know us!
"Hi, I'm Sarah, founder of HerzEnergy, and I've been supporting others to reach conscious success in the last years. Join one of our programs for a consciousness upgrade and start taking your life to new heights."
More About Me
Do you feel called to Optimise Your Quantum Energy?
Find our most popular, life transforming Quantum Consulting Programs below.

Quantum Business Flow
Aligning yourself to the exact vibration of your goals will help accelerate the achievement of your dream life and business. We put the Law of Vibration to work for you in the background by sending aligning energy impulses into your energy field daily. Once you go in resonance with your goals, that's when the magic happens.

Quantum Chakra Tuning
The secret to inner peace and enlightenment lies in an open heart and the activation of your energy centers. We have carefully crafted a special chakra tuning program that brings you in inner alignment and connects you to you higher self in a deep 7 months inner transformational program.

Quantum Power ✦ All In
This program supports your journey inwards to reconnecting with your truest and deepest desires at soul level. We combine several frequency programs to provide you with a guided, personalised premium experience and help manifest your dream life, holistic health and spiritual ascention.
What can you expect from our HerzEnergy programs?
We are electromagnetic beings. By aligning your own and your goals’ frequency in the quantum field we achieve magnetic attraction. Find possible advantages of our programs below:

Highway to Success
Achieve your goals and visions faster. Increase profit, revenue, and feel certain of your success.

Increased Intuition
Tap into your intuitive powers and experience strong connection to your higher self and your divine guides. Develop an unshakable inner trust.

Clarity and Growth
Have greater clarity in life, less doubts and enjoy personal growth and transformation.

Save around 60-80% of your time by eliminating conscious and unconscious blockages.

Vision & Value Alignment
We create a coherent, protective, high vibrational energy force field around your life & business vision, purpose and values.

Synchronicity Avalanche
Your life will be full of magical synchronicities, so your life, health and career can harmonise and flow.
Quantum Programming means daily frequency upgrades to align you with your dream life!
Imagine our bio quantum photon generators catalysing the hard work you do to attract good things into your life, and taking care of having your ideal life's vibration present in your energy field on a daily basis. This will make you go in resonance with your goals over time and you attract the right situations, opportunities and people into your life so everything can unfold and finally fall into place, until your life feels like one perfect, masterpiece, better than you could have ever dreamed of.

Karina Nuñez
"Estoy fascinada y muy agradecida con el trabajo que ha hecho en tan solo una sesión. Gracias gracias gracias Sarah estoy admirada por el trabajo que haces de EMPODERAR a tus clientes de esta manera tan POTENTE. La recomiendo ampliamente."

Arthur Simonian
"My personal and business life have both been in total flow since I began my consulting with Wiccian. I can only describe it as magical to my family and friends.
My overall experience has been great and I would recommend Wiccian to those ready to accelerate their lives."

Familie Stockhammer
"Unsere Erwartungen wurden bezüglich Intensität und Dauer des des Wirkungseintritt bei Weitem übertroffen. Erste Ergebnisse beobachteten wir schon nach wenigen Tagen an unserem Sohn. Wir empfehlen HerzEnergy aus vollstem Herzen weiter und wollen uns auf diesen Weg nochmals für die herzliche und professionelle Betreuung bedanken!"
Ayrton Gonelli
"I was impressed by the quick turn my life took. It was like from “understanding intuition and being tapped in” to “dang… I’m flooded by downloads on what to do and what to change” - absolutely nothing works if you don’t do the work, but indeed Sarah gives you quite compelling good reasons and support so you actually go do the work as you start receiving the hertz frequency support from the Quantum Computer. And the scientific reports on your goals and energy levels are quite impressive too. Definitely don’t turn this down without giving a few months “all-in” try!"

Carola Täubel
"Durch Wiccian fühlt sich mein Leben ausgeglichener an. Ich habe endlich die Zeit meine Gedanken zu sortieren und meine Themen aufzulösen. Mein Unternehmen hat sich sehr zum Positiven verändert und alles fügt sich wie von alleine. Wiccian kann ich sehr weiterempfehlen, da sich mein Unternehmen und mein Lebensweg harmonisiert und beflügelt hat."

Jose Luis
"I have corroborated that the program has helped me focus my attention on what I am looking for, and gives me a great motivation to execute it.
I definitely recommend it!"
Take a Quantum Jump Now!
... to lead your life and business to new hights and explore the amazing effects of having full support to reach your goals!
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